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Perhaps you have had moments in your life that you realized: ‘I am doing something, and it doesn’t feel right’. It doesn’t feel right because your conscience gives you a sign that you are doing something that you should not be doing. Or, that you are not doing something that you should be doing. For instance, when you’re putting someone down because you are jealous, instead of giving someone a compliment. Or that you should be working, but that you let yourself be distracted. At such a moment you could think: ‘oh no, I am doing something wrong, because I am not doing what God tells me to do. So I am making a mistake, and what would God think, what would God do? Will he punish me for not doing what he tells me to do?’ To answer that question, I would like to refer to Liberatie 217, regel 22 tot 24:
“Zo zal ook jÍj ervaren dat als je naar je beste kunnen probeert te doen wat God je vraagt, God je zo nodig als op arendsvleugels draagt”
So, you may know that when you are learning something you will have the guarantee that you will make a mistake. And that’s okay as long as you do your best. God is there to help you, to support you. God is not a punishing God, he is a loving father. Which means that he does not have a sort of abacus in which he is counting every mistake you are making. But instead, when you do make a mistake, when you fall, he offers his hand to help you stand back up. He wants to help you to learn that you may learn in life. And if you do so, you will experience that the difficulty that you might have experienced in the situation beforehand that it disappears, and that a world opens up that is much larger and much more beautiful than before.
And you can compare that with an eagle, who teaches his eaglets to fly. An eaglet has to use its wings, has to practice its wings to fly, because otherwise it will not learn to fly. But, each time that he tries, he will fall, and try again, he will fall and try again. It’s a process of learning. But the eaglet could think: ‘oh no, I am in the sky right now, and, I am making a mistake, I am not doing it right, I am not using my wings in the right way, I am falling!’. And what will the eagle do? Will he think: ‘well it is your own fault, I will just let you fall’. No. The eagle keeps a close eye on the eaglets, and when he sees that one is falling he will instantly be there to pick the eaglet up with his wings. And then, let it go again, and then, picks it up, and let it go again. In order that the eaglet learns to fly. And at a certain moment the eagle will experience a world that is much larger than the nest beforehand. A world that is more beautiful, because at that point he has learned to fly. And that’s the target, the goal of the eagle. And the eagle wants to support and help you.
And in the same way God is there for you. And when you have the feeling: ‘oh no I am making a mistake and I am not doing something right.’ You may know that God is there to help and support you, and to carry you on those eagle wings.