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Maybe you have been in a situation, where you don’t see any possibilities anymore. Or you are in a situation that feels hopeless. And then you think: ‘well, why does God put me in these circumstances?’ The good thing to know is that God never puts you in bad circumstances. As is also written in Liberatie 62, regel 1 tot 3:
“Leven naar Gods Woord, houdt je op je pad waar je thuishoort. Je kunt dan niet in voor je missie slechte omstandigheden geraken”
So, a situation can ask a lot of you. That you have to do your best to make something of that. That you feel like it is hopeless or impossible, but when you search for possibilities then you find that there is more possible than you thought beforehand. And that gives you fulfilment, energy for the next moment. And then you create something special, because of these circumstances. And thát is only a choice that you make.
And to illustrate that, I want to tell you something. I once was in a old town in France. And there was this old castle. And it had a stone wall, and I walked next to that wall. And I saw some people standing, and they were looking up. I wondered: ‘What are they looking at?’ So I looked up, and I saw a tree. And that tree grew from the wall. So a little seed grew from the stone wall, and had developed itself into a tree, with branches, leafs, everything. And it was special, because the place where the little seed had grown seemed impossible for a tree to grow. But it did.
And so it teaches us an important lesson: in whatever situation you are in, how hopeless it may be, how impossible. When you search for opportunities, when you search for possibilities, you will find one. And you develop yourself as a person. Just like the seed developed itself into the tree. But it is a choice. The seed could also have thought: ‘Well, I feel sorry for myself, because it is so difficult to grow here. And all those other seeds have better opportunities, better places to grow´. But it did not. So, the question is: ‘What choice do you want to make?’ You can feel sorry for yourself. Or, you can look for the opportunity that ís present. It only depends on your choice. It is up to you.