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Maybe you think you have to comply to a certain image. An image at school, at work, at your friend’s. An image that you think: ‘well, others expect me to be as such’. Or an image that you have in your own mind that you think: ‘I have to be like that’. It can be that you have created a certain perfect image that you think I have to be perfect in what I do, in my behavior, in my work. And it may be as such that you think and that you do not allow yourself to make mistakes. Because if you make a mistake, you do not comply to that image anymore, and you are unhappy with yourself, so you feel bad: ‘I made a mistake!’. And now I am not what others expect me to be, or what I thought I should be. But that makes life difficult, and the question is: why do you make life so difficult? Because God does not expect you to be perfect. As is written also in Liberatie 104, regel 1-4:
“God hoeft slechts te spreken en een perfecte mens is daar; niets te leren en in de wieg in wezen al klaar. God schept echter iedere mens doelbewust perfect ímperfect, met een talentontwikkelingstraject”
So God did not create us as perfect human beings. Because if you were born perfect, what would be your purpose on earth? What would be your purpose in life? Because if you don’t have anything to learn, what would you do here? So because you are created perfectly imperfect, because God could have done otherwise – but he did not – so it was a conscious decision, you have the opportuntity to develop your talents and to learn. And learning means automatically making mistakes.
Because if you try to learn, for instance the guitar, someone who never hits a false note is someone who never touched that guitar. So learning something automatically means that you will make a mistake. But God is not primarily looking at the mistakes you make. God does not have a sort of abacus, on which he is counting all the mistakes you are making. No, God looks at your intention, the commitment you have. He measures your heart. And in that sense, if you know that you are created perfectly imperfect, that when you show God you want to live with Him, you really feel: ‘I am the way I am destined to be: perfectly imperfect’.